Invoice Rounding

Idea suggested by Minesh Patel 13 years ago

Would be great if the invoice did not round the per unit price to 2 decimal places, or an option to set the rounding on and off.

5 Replies

I definitely need this also.

Wow. Yes! We really need this as well.

That is an issue for us as well. We often invoice € 0.1093 as a unit price.

We still have problems with this. Whenever we edit an invoice which previously had more than 2 decimal places then we have to edit each unit cost again and sometimes there are many lines.

We regularly have customers ring us to tell us we have over/under charged on a per unit price because something like 0.085 has changed to 0.09. I explain that the invoice looks wrong but actually the gross amounts are correct and eventually they agree, but it looks extremely unprofessional, like we are using some cheap web based accounting package.

I understand what you mean. Although an easy solution could be that you clarify your gross amount in the unit description.

Here you explain:
3.000 x € 0.085 = € 255.00

And you just use the € 255.00 and have 1 unit. This should solve the issue, although, it looks unprofessional indeed.

I still need this suggestion from 4 years ago. Does anyone from the clearbooks team look at these suggestions?

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