Attachment duplication

Problem reported by Kathryn Haynes 11 years ago

I've entered a global attachment on the invoices so the company terms and conditions can be emailed to clients with their invoices.

When I go to send an invoice as an email the attachment is duplicated. It shows as an attachment then it asks underneath - "You can also add any of the global attachments: XXXX.jpeg Add selected" and shows the attachment that is already selected. This means additional scrolling down to send the email.

Also on the dashboard P+L since the latest update, the dates are the wrong year as it says Nov 15 Dec 15 then Jan 15.

5 Replies

Hi Kathryn,

Please could you kindly clarify which CB's account this is for, so I can investigate into this further for you?

Kind Regards,


Mary Moppins Ltd. We've been sending a dummy invoice to our own email to check how this shows and noticed the error on the email invoice page.

Hi Kathryn,

I'm not sure why you're getting white space in the screenshot that you posted above, as I've logged into the account as yourself using Google Chrome, however I was unable to replicate this. Can i ask if this is occuring for all your invoices that you're looking to email, also if it's possible to a hard refresh of the browser on this page by clicking Ctrl + F5.

Additionally, there is a send email button on the top right which you can click on as oppose to the one down below of the page.

All the best,


We are using Chrome and the white space comes up on each invoice I have checked. If I refresh the page, the white space goes.

I'll be generating the bulk of the invoices at month end so I'll check if this still happens then.

Thank you for your help.

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