Monthly Loan Payments

Question asked by John Wraight 10 years ago


I am new to clearbooks (TODAY)

How do you set up a monthly payment to come out each month from bank account to the loan account, have i done this right, have a bank loan to pay off!!

can see your can do a transfer for the payment but not monthly, do I have to do it manually each month? surely not


2 Replies

First thing you need to do is head to Settings > Codes > All

Find the loan in question, tick the show in purchases box then press update:


Then create your recurring bill as usual, select the loan account provider as the supplier and the nominal account will be the business loan (you've just allowed this to happen in step one, then remember to tick the payment on recuirrance box. It should look like this:


You'll probably get a warning msg when you press save the first time, just ignore it and press it again.

Fam Dabby Dozie...Your the man....thanks ever so

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