Over payment refund allocation

Question asked by Elsa Waghorn 9 years ago

We paid an invoice twice and the supplier has now refunded the money , how do I allocate the refund to the over payment?

2 Replies

Hi Elsa - I'd suggest you put the payment out and the refund to a code like "Other Creditors". The payment out is explained as a transaction, and the money in as a refund.

I say Paul there has to be an improvement in this area by clearbooks! It is a nightmare when there is an overpayment allocating etc. It should all be east via the receivables/payables account instead of the mess via other creditors / trade debtors. There should be a facility for payments on account. Please pass this on urgently. I am billing out masses of time every time my client quite understandably makes a balls up of it all and I have to repair.

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