register company

Question asked by Vanessa 8 years ago

I'm a company and having added the details so the invoice shows my company number but it does say "Registered company in England & Wales" I've always been lead to believe by law this must be on the invoice with he company number. How do I add this

2 Replies

Hi Vanessa,

I am not aware that that is a requirement. You are required to display your address, however that will appear automatically once you have filled in the details in Clear Books.

Below is a link to the relevant guidance from HMRC, along with a screenshot of the relevant paragraph:

If you do want to make changes to the text of the invoice you will need to create a custom invoice template, which will then allow you to edit the text in various fields. Instructions on creating a custom invoice theme can be found in the Support Guide below:

I hope this helps.

All the best.

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