Closing clearboooks account

Question asked by Peter Harris 8 years ago

I am considering moving to a different online accounting package because clear books is rather expensive for my needs. I have recently deregistered for VAT so I no longer need the VAT accounting.

My question is: what happens to my accounts data if I do not renew my account? Can I still access my data for archive purposes?

1 Reply

Hi Peter,

An open account is a subscribing account, therefore payment may be taken automatically if you leave it open. We encourage customers to close their account if they no longer intend to use it. Once your account is closed and has been so for 90 days, the information will be purged and there will be no guarantee that we can get it restored. Your data needs to be exported before closing your account so that it can be stored safely on your hard drive, where you will always have access to it.

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