Part Refund against supplier invoice

Question asked by Paul Walpole 8 years ago


We recently over paid a supplier invoice. I logged the full amount we paid (£1425.60) against the bill which was a for £825.60. This has created an entry in unallocated cash. The supplier has since refunded £600 to our bank account.

I've imported our bank statement and I'm struggling allocate the refund against the invoice.

Please advise

Thank you

2 Replies

Hi Paul,

The guide below should help (although it is on the sales side - the process would be the same)

So you would need to create a new bill on the Purchases>Bills menu similar to creating the invoice in steps 4,5 & 6.

Once this is done you can allocate the unallocated £600 to this bill - the same process as steps 7 & 8

Finally, Explain the £600 receipt on the imported statement as a refund as shown in step 11

Thanks John,

I'll follow this process

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