Payroll journal

Question asked by Viktoria Ujj 4 years ago

hi there, I'm using a different software for payroll runs, so originally I've created a journal in Clearbrooks to be able to account for January's pay, however as I've found out I cannot 'explain' net wages paid from the bank with an existing journal. I understand I now need to create bills for the employee and HMRC liability however it doesn't stack up at the moment.

So if Gross pay is £1600; ER NI is £104.88; EE NI is £91.20 and paye tax is £111.40 and so net wages actually paid to staff is £1397.40, how would this look on the bill? if I did a bill for ( gross) wages expense 4001001 £1704.88 (maybe have separate lines for salaries and ER NI) then how will this be explained with the bank payment of £1397.40?

Am I missing a trick??

1 Reply

Hi Viktoria,

You would create a bill for the Net pay for the Employee. One for the PAYE and NI for HMRC and one for any pension contributions for the pension provider.


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