Payroll: Employees to be listed in alphabetical order

Idea suggested by Kevin Doran 10 years ago

I can't see any reason behind how they're currently listed, seems completely random?

7 Replies

Yep this confused me when I was running payroll in the past - I think it lists them in terms of when the employee/director became a user on the account. I have made the OP team aware.

Please do this - I asked for this about 2 years ago so it would be wonderful if you could sort the list by surname then first name!

Any news on this - it can't be that difficult but it's a real pain every month when I do payroll!

I thought the point of cloud software was the ability to fix little bugs like this quickly!

This has been added as a new development task. I will let you let you know when there are any updates regarding it.

We have now implemented a basic sort-by-name for the Employees Overview and, more importantly, on the Period view. By default, employees will now be sorted by Forename first, followed by Surname if you have multiple employees with the same Forename.


If, however, you prefer to sort your employees by last name instead, then you can do this too by clicking the "Employee" table header. The employees will be sorted by Surname first, followed by Forenames. "Smith" is a popular Surname, after all.


Thanks for your patience while we worked on getting this live.

That's great news, thank you.

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