Edit your own posts and comments on your ideas in the Network

Idea suggested by Stephen Youngs FCCA 12 years ago

How about a commitment from ClearBooks to submit a reply to every Network idea within twenty-four hours? I'm looking at a screen of the twenty-five most recent ideas and not a single one has a reply. And it's not like you get twenty-five ideas a day. It doesn't encourage users to use the facility if it looks like what they say goes nowhere. I'm sure that's not the case, having met you guys, it just looks a bit that way!

There was a buzz about Getsatisfaction.com that seems a bit lacking here, and user posts often got a quick response from ClearBooks staff. I can see that system has been deleted now, presumably to encourage those still using it to migrate here. Don't let them down when they do.

3 Replies

I'll start my comment on my own idea, with a new idea actually, allow users to edit their ideas once posted! Everyone makes typos, and sometimes reading something through later you realise what you have said isn't as clear as it could have been.

My comment on my own idea is that I realise this is not intended as a support community, and that's fine. Or it was fine when Getsatisfaction.com was still up and running. ClearBooks users who were already on it stayed there when you stopped participating in it, and it remained quite active. Now it's been deleted there is no user support community. There is user support of course, but only from ClearBooks staff, the community has gone and hasn't been replaced. Support queries are no longer shared, even if they are of wider interest than a single user. That must mean simple support questions get asked multiple times and answered multiple times. Also users who are willing to share their knowledge and enthusiasm for the system with others, for free, now have no medium with which to do that. Doesn't seem to make sense to me.

..and finally a bug. When you comment on an idea your profile photo is replaced by a 'no picture uploaded' box. Amazed that hasn't been spotted before.

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