Group Recurring invoices list

Idea suggested by Barry Dixon 7 years ago

It would be helpful to be able to have the recurring invoices list grouped by their frequency so, for instance, all recurring invoices with a frequency of monthly to be grouped and totalled for each month, all those with a frequency of weekly to be grouped and totalled for each week, etc. It would make budgeting a lot easier. At the moment I do this by copy the recurring invoices list and pasting into a spreadsheet and then setting the date column to only the month and sorting, grouping and totalling by month but this is quite time-consuming.

4 Replies

Hi Barry - would a new filter for frequency work for you?


Hi John,

That would certainly help and if the date range filter works so that it listed those recurring between the 2 dates. At the moment the date range filter doesn't seem to do anything so I don't know what date it is actually working on.

I think the date range filter is based on the template date alone rather than next recurring date. I'm going to forward this to the development team as we may be able to alter the actual list view and remove some columns that aren't really necessary and replace them with columns more relevant to recurring templates which should help in your case - as well as add in some new filters.

OK, Thanks. In the meantime I've had a play with the API (hadn't thought of it before) and found I can quite easily get the listing I want using it, but I'm sure others would find it helpful to be in the main interface.

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