Quick recurring bill option

Idea suggested by Simon Jackson 2 years ago

I have a entered a few monthly bills from a supplier, for which I've just use the Make a copy function each time:


I realised this should really be a recurring bill and so I was going to suggest a new entry on that Manage menu, something like Make recurring. It would pre-fill the "Create recurring bill template" page with all the existing info, so the only info then needed are the actual recurring schedule bits.

However, I then thought that why not have a *Make recurring bill template" button on the "Create bill" page, something like this:


... that does the same thing: copy all the info currently entered into the existing Create recurring bill template page. By having the button on the "Create bill" page instead means that:

  1. It's possible to create a recurring bill template from an existing bill by choosing Make a copy and then Make recurring template, and
  2. The Make recurring template would be a neat UI prompt to a user that maybe they should consider creating any new bill as a recurring bill.

I hope this all makes sense!

1 Reply

Hi Simon,

This is a very nice idea and very well drafted up! I'll pass this onto our product team for consideration. Thank you very much!

All the best,


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