Searchable Customer List

Idea suggested by Elain Higlett 3 months ago

Please could you make it possible to search for a customer by surname or have them listed in surname order in the contacts tab. It's OK if our customer is a Company but we mainly deal with individuals so the customer name is usually under their title, initial and surname so that it looks correct on the invoice. To find someone I have to go through the customer contact list and there are a lot that start with Mr etc. The longer we use Clear Books the more customers are added, the longer it takes to find them.

I raised a question about this a few months ago but as no one answered I am assuming that currently there is no way of searching for a customer other than going through the contacts list.


1 Reply

Hi Elain,

I do apologise that we had missed your initial query!

You can search for the customer via the Magnifier Glass at the top right.

I hope this helps!


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