Images allowed in signatures

Idea suggested by Nathaniel Cassidy 13 years ago

As a creative design company it is quite embarrassing to be quoting for bespoke signature design when we can't even add an image into our ClearBooks signature. I'd imagine people often think, "if you believe bespoke signature are worth having why don't you use them?" Because ClearBooks won't let us!

1 Reply

Hi Nathaniel,

We do actually have this feature which can be located in Emails > Email Templates > Signature Tab > Click on the 'upload image' icon as shown below:


After this, you will have to acquire an image URL for the image. This can be done by going to an image uploading service, in this case, I will use Imgur as an example. Go to and upload an image which should take a few seconds, then click on 'get share links'. See below:


You should then copy the image URL, removing the [img] & [/img] and edit http to https (if applicable). Please see the example:


After this, you must insert the image URL into Clear Books:


Apologies for the delayed response, I hope this has been helpful.



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