Give a status to Submitted Idea - Talk to your customers

Idea suggested by Shyam Avvari 13 years ago


We customers always request for new features via submitting an idea, and other customers vote for it..

However, Clearbooks should talk back to us, what they are doing about the ideas submitted.

Put a "Status" field to each idea and give it a status:

  1. Low Priority Conisderation
  2. Under consideration
  3. High Priority Consideration
  4. Accepted/Rejected
  5. Work in Progress - Estimated release date xx/xx/xxxx
  6. Released - Drum Roll please.. :)

1 Reply

Hi Shyam - you can see the public votes which is quite indicative of the status of ideas. We very rarely reject ideas outright, although we may comment if we think they are bad ideas. We do try to comment on ideas to give an indication of our thoughts. Giving an ETA for any idea is very dangerous because estimates about how long a project can take can easily be out by 50% or more. You can see which ideas have been implemented in the "implemented ideas" area..

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