More clarity in VAT EC Sales List drop-downs

Idea suggested by Simon Jackson 13 years ago

The 'Select Quarter' and 'Select Month' drop downs in the VAT EC Sales List report are not very friendly. At the very least, the drop-downs should state the actual period (e.g. '01-Apr-2012 to 30-Jun-2012'. Ideally, the system would remember that my company has either Monthly or Quarterly returns, and suggest which period I need to report. If at all possible, electronic reporting back to HMRC would be amazing!
I fully appreciate that this is liekly to be a little used feature for most ClearBooks clients, so understand if not much development can be justified... but the more clear drop-downs shouldn't be too hard, eh?

1 Reply

Hi Simon - I believe that HMRC don't issue protocols for EC Sales list completion, but if you know different please let us know! Thanks.

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