What we're working on - 31st March 2015
News posted by [Archived User] 10 years ago
Please see below for the improvements and new features we’ve introduced over the last few weeks along with an update on what to expect over the coming weeks…
What we have done
Final Accounts
Final Accounts is now open to partners and bookkeepers as well as accounting partners. Please see this forum post for a more in-depth overview of the recent Final Accounts updates.
In the last fortnight, the biggest update to our VAT MOSS implementation is that you are now able to generate a report of all of the invoices you need to submit to the Government’s VAT MOSS (Mini One Stop Shop).
National Insurance
From the 6th of April, it will be possible to make use of the new M and Z National Insurance categories for workers under the age of 21, granting relief from Employer’s National Insurance.
We’ve also tidied up the ‘share structure’ page (found in reporting periods > share structure button). We’ve removed a couple of old fields that were no longer required (such as the ‘shares issued’ field). And added fields for the ‘Share type’ and ‘Nominal value per share’. This allows you to specify a name for the type of share you are issuing and the value of each share. These will appear on all dividends documents (minutes/vouchers/payslips).
Please also take note of this community post regarding VAT settlement discounts, which has now been completed: https://secure.clearbooks.co.uk/community/news/10501/vat-will-not-take-settlement-discounts-into-account-from-1st-april
What we are doing
Please see below for an overview of the big changes we’ll be implementing over the next few weeks...
Bank Statements
We are working on moving the explain statement form right below the selected bank statement transaction. This should be live in the next week or so.
Auto Enrolment
We’re continuing to work on incorporating auto enrolment requirements into our software. For a more in-depth overview of its progress, please see Adrian’s comment on this post here: https://secure.clearbooks.co.uk/community/news/10692/community-and-product-development
Please leave a comment below if you have any questions or would like us to elaborate on anything.