Announcement: New integration with Revolut to pay your bills

News posted by John Fouracre 4 years ago

We are happy to announce a new integration with Revolut which enables you to pay your Clear Books bills.

In summary the integration allows you to do the following:

Select bills to pay in Clear Books Create draft payments for your selected bills and submit them for approval Quickly approve the payment from your Revolut Business account to make the payment

You can submit draft payments for multiple bills in one go, and you'll never need to re-enter payment details in your Revolut Business account.

For a more detailed guide on how this works please click on the link below:

How to pay your bills using the Revolut integration

Don't have a Revolut Business account? No problem, click here to sign up for a Revolut Business account now.*

*This sign up link is a paid affiliate link and has been provided by Revolut.

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