Announcement: Simplified invoice payment methods

News posted by Pete Jones 11 months ago

As part of making Clear Books easy to use, and helping you get your invoices paid faster, we have simplified how you can see and set payment methods on your invoices.

The invoice screen now uses a simple blue tag to show the payment methods your customers can use to pay that invoice. You can click on “payment methods” to add or remove them from the invoice.

You can still use all the awesome payment methods and integrations, as well as sending your invoices by email, and accepting payment on your mobile phone.

You can read more about the changes below.

Easier to see and add payment methods

We have updated the payment method area of the invoice creation page to optimise for both aesthetics and functionality.


Note: You do not need to make any changes to your current invoice preferences or specific customer default payment methods. They will continue to be used to pre-populate the payment methods for your invoices.

Payment methods that will be available when the invoice is sent to your customer, are listed as tags at the bottom of the page:


Floating over each tag shows the account selected where applicable:


The ‘Payment methods’ text link allows the payment methods to be customised for the current invoice:


Additional changes

  • The summary text field now uses less vertical space.
  • ‘Edit invoice payment text’ has been renamed ‘Edit invoice footer text’ to better reflect the nature of this text field.

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