What have we done? w.c. 19 Jan 2015

News posted by Roey Izhaki 11 years ago

Explain mechanism

  • When allocating an invoice against the full transaction amount, remove the step requiring users to click 'Add transaction'. See post. Still in progress
  • When the user has explained the last transaction on a page, the system should move to the next page. Point 16 in this post. Still in progress
  • When deleting a transaction, is should still show crossed and user shall be able to undelete a transaction Point 8 in this post. Moved to late Feb
  • Hitting 'Mass update' shouldn't reset to page 1. Point 18 in this post. Done.
  • The explain area should show under the transaction being explained. Solution to a few points in this post. Done.
  • Fix: additional trader fields (VAT etc.) should populate when selecting the entity.Point 9 in this post. Moved to late Feb

Bank statement imports

  • Reliably import large files (upwards of 500 transactions)


  • Fix: Filters should stay on or off. See post. Done
  • Filters under purchases should be the same as under invoices. Done

Cashflow report

  • Fix: Resolve issue where cash was incorrectly being marked as an "Unknown Item".


  • Implement EU VAT regulation. Integrated into invoices, still need to show all EU countries

Final Accounts

  • Solve issues found during acceptance testing with beta version.
  • Implement auto-tagging and mapper for P&L and BS. Done

Lightweight CRM

  • Basic customer report.

Other improvements

  • Streamline design of field add-buttons, and allow users to edit a customer once selected (eg, when adding an invoice). Done.
  • Allow group admins remove lesser privileged users from an account.
  • Default sales VAT rate for invoices.
  • Fix: Broken API for multi currency.

3 Replies

Hey Roey,

Since the recent update (over the weekend?), when I want to create a bill/invoice similar to the previous one and select 'Copy invoice', the '+' button beside the Supplier has now been changed to the pencil button for 'Edit', which means that I now can't add a new supplier/customer when creating a new bill/invoice. It used to save me a lot of time and now I have to go and add all the new suppliers/customers individually first and then create the invoices, which is super inconvenient. http://prntscr.com/5x8efp Can it be changed back to the '+' so that I can add new suppliers as I go (like it was before the update)? Also, when do you think the functionality to import invoices in currencies other than the base currency will become available? We're registered in UK, but trade mostly in euros.

Cheers, Victoria

Hi Victoria,

Currently, to get the + icon again, simply select the first (blank) option from the customer list.

There is another task, in which this problem will be solved - the add customer will become just a button in the dropdown.

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