Filter explained > Hide explained
News posted by Roey Izhaki 11 years ago
Due to its location on the bank import/explain page, many users has failed to notice the Filter explained feature.
So we have moved it, and renamed it Hide explained (top left in the screenshot):
At the same instance, this feature now stays on (previously it would reset in some cases).
Design decisions
Between two methods, we've opt for the second:
Method 1
- When the user ticks Hide explained we hide the explained transactions for that page, but the pages remain the same.
- So if there are 6 pages in total, and the first 3 pages are all explained, by hiding explained transaction you'll still see 6 pages, but the first 3 will be empty.
- The issue with this is that if out of 6 page statement all but one transaction is explained, you'll end up with 5 blank pages.
Method 2
- When the user ticks Hide explained, we only show the un-explained transaction, and paginate them.
- So if there are 6 pages in total, and the first 3 pages are all explained, by hiding explained transaction you'll see 3 pages only.
- This means, that as you tick/untick this option, the page resets to page 1.
Each method has its pros and cons. We just felt that having to go through blank pages is worse than re-paginating the statement.