ClearBooks _works_

Praise given by Zoltán Lehóczky 12 years ago

I've written this before but again: ClearBooks looks like the only usable accounting SaaS out there (tried LessAccounting, Freshbooks, Xero, FreeAgent, Saasu, Outright, AccountsPortal, Kashoo, Yendo and Intuit, desperately), seriously, so congrats!

The UI is nice but the structure how the objects in the system are linked is something you have to get used to, but then it makes sense.

As a developer I'd very much like to see a full RESTful API ( this would enable developers to build on ClearBooks and extend it in ways that shouldn't be implemented by the CB team for everybody. I'm thinking about all kinds of statistics and charts that I'd like to get calculated for my company - and we'd implement it if there would be a more complete API.

3 Replies

The API definitely needs expanding on be it REST or Soap. Zoltan you could probably just build your own REST API on top of the Soap.

Anything that is possible in the GUI should be possible via the API.

Thanks for pointing that out, Zoltan. We are endeavouring to make the API as good as possible. Please, watch this space.


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