Daily cash balance graph has scale issues when there are days with no transactions
Problem reported by Quinn Daley 10 years ago
My business bank account doesn't have a transaction every single day, and as a result I get an odd scale on the "daily cash balance" graph where days with no transactions are "squashed".
For example:
The distance horizontally between 2 Oct and 6 Oct (4 days) is 3 times as wide as the distance between 25 Sept and 2 Oct (7 days) because there were no transactions on 26 Sept - 1 Oct.
You can also see this by counting the number of days between the labels on the x-axis:
Would it be possible to change the algorithm that generates this graph to keep the horizontal axis consistent? Either by inserting a "no change" point on every day there are no transactions or by allowing points to be spread horizontally according to their real date.
Thanks for looking at this!