Daily cash balance graph has scale issues when there are days with no transactions

Problem reported by Rich Daley 9 years ago

My business bank account doesn't have a transaction every single day, and as a result I get an odd scale on the "daily cash balance" graph where days with no transactions are "squashed".

For example:

file file file

The distance horizontally between 2 Oct and 6 Oct (4 days) is 3 times as wide as the distance between 25 Sept and 2 Oct (7 days) because there were no transactions on 26 Sept - 1 Oct.

You can also see this by counting the number of days between the labels on the x-axis:


Would it be possible to change the algorithm that generates this graph to keep the horizontal axis consistent? Either by inserting a "no change" point on every day there are no transactions or by allowing points to be spread horizontally according to their real date.

Thanks for looking at this!

8 Replies

Hi Rich,

I have escalated to our technical team to investigate further - they will be in touch next week.

Hi John - do you know if there is any update on this case?

Hi Rich,

The team have taken a look and are doing a fix so that the graph will show data for the days when there are no transactions (it will stay as a horizontal line).

The fix will go through preview.clearbooks.co.uk so that all customers are aware of the change. When it appears there, I'll comment on here and you will be able to turn the fix on!

Have a great weekend :)

Hi Hemi

That's great news! Thanks!

Is preview.clearbooks a public beta programme that I can join? Or should I just be more patient? :D

Have a great weekend yourself!

preview.clearbooks.co.uk is our new way of releasing things to you, our customers. Each month the lovely marketing department send an email out detailing what is available and then you can head over there and turn on what you would like to try out. Everything stays there for a month, before the feature becomes standard for everyone.

Here is a link to explain more: https://secure.clearbooks.co.uk/community/news/13656/clear-books-preview-a-brand-new-way-to-try-our-latest-features

In the future we will have an 'auto-subscribe' option so you can automatically benefit from all the new things we release!

Thanks for the explanation - that sounds great!

I am not on your mailing list, perhaps because my accountant created my account on ClearBooks? Is it possible I can be added to that mailing list?

Hi Rich

I am looking into adding you to our mailing list for receiving the newsletter,and will update once complete. You can of course un-subscribe at any time.

I wanted to let you know that the changes to the graph are now available on Preview. Locate the ‘Daily cash balance’ graph update section and turn on by clicking the green 'preview' button.



Hi Hemi

I just enabled it and it looks amazing! Thank you so much for this!

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