bank statements not importing

Problem reported by Kidsactiv8 9 years ago

I just imported one months bank statement, which was fine, reconciled it. Now whenever I import a file it's reading as 0 transcations? The information is on the spreadsheets but not importing in.

Thanks :-)

2 Replies


I would suggest you go to Tools>Import from the dashboard and then on the bottom of the page there is an option to clear the mappings.

Once you clear the mappings then the system should force you to map each column which should then hopefully help you import.

All you need is Date / Description/ Amount or Money in and Money out columns on your csv file to import.

If you still have a problem please make use of the guide below which has a video taking you step by step which is very helpful and clear.

Best regards


Thank you so much I thought it was the mappings - but now you've told me where to go thats great! Thank you again :-)

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