New CIS Reports

Problem reported by Tony Crundell 9 years ago

Formatting of the new CIS reports could do with improving!

on the old report if you wanted to print the report it used to come out on 1 or 2 pages, now its 15 pages for a client with only 5 or so subbies!!

there are now also loads of warning before the subbie details, which would be better at the end

14 Replies

Hi Tony,

Thank you for taking the time to post some feedback regarding our new CIS improvements. Having spoken to our Design Team and Accounting Experts, we can confirm that these are indeed intentional aspects of the design. The report gives details of each payment made against an invoice, which customers may wish to keep as a record for HMRC. Unfortunately, this does now cause the report to take up more pages, but we believe the value in this extra detail outweighs that of the amount of paper required. With regard to the warning messages, it is essential for these to be presented at the top, so that our users are instantly made aware of issues that could cause their submission to fail.

I hope this helps.

The reports for payments made were perfect as they were, this seems like a change for change sake and not really necessary - all that was needed was the back end improvements

can we have the option to turn warnings off - we dont actually file the CIS returns through clear books, we are only using it to get the correct figures

I must admit, I find the new on screen report very cluttered/messy in terms of viewing. The date box is too small so it leaves it being spread over 3 text lines and I don't really see the need for the full bank payment description in the payment box. We've gone from this:


To this:


It's hard to see where the improvement lies from a UX point of view.

Agreed it's a bit too chuncky at the moment - the priority was to get the functionality of the CIS return working as it should (i.e showing payments for each bill listed), however we are trying to think of better ways to get all this information to you in a slimmer format.

We are experimenting offline and hopefully will have something better updated soon.

Hi John

Makes sense.

The 'include' box is too big - make that smaller and it'll free up some space for the date.

Make the date box slightly bigger - date needs to be all on a single line.

In the payment box we definitely don't need to see the full payment description, it's overkill. It's nice to see the payments listed separately so I understand the logic. How about just putting the payment date in there and a hyperlink to the transaction? That would cover all bases and remove the need for so much text.

I think Subcontractors used to be listed on the reports in alphabetical order which was really useful - seems to be random now, can this be addressed too please

Thanks guys - this is all being taken on board. We should have an update fairly soon.

being able to download and PDF the return would be good too, currently this isn't possible, instead you have to print the webpage

Hi Guys,

Some changes should now have gone live - the payment text has been moved over and truncated and the date is all on one line. We would like to reduce the size of the include column, however there are some complications with that, however the size should now have been greatly reduced.

Alphebetisation of the subcontractors will hopefully be live fairly soon too - either tomorrow or early next week. The report as a PDF is something we do want to offer, however that will take a considerable amount of resource time to do and has gone in to the development queue for our product team to prioritise for future.

Hopefully it's looking a bit better now?

Much much better.

Get the grand totals all in bold so they stand out a bit. For the likes of Tony & I who are filing elsewhere they're the main figures we need to see.

It is much better, I think the invoice subtotals are unnecessary and are just taking up extra space. Being able to print a PDF version would be useful too.

New contractor here - is it possible to print off statements for subbies monthly/annual, showing CIS?

Not annual i'm afraid [what a git eh?!]

Monthly ones you just click the download PDF button as shown in my above screenshot.

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