Being ignored by Clearbooks Support
Problem reported by Dave Freel 8 years ago
Hi guys,
We just started our workplace pension and identified the following problem:
"I have selected "Basic rate tax relief at source" as our pension provider, NEST, will add the tax relief.
This means that to meet the 1% obligation an employee should only be deducted 0.8% with NEST adding the remaining 0.2% at source.
However, when assigning a pension scheme to an employee and setting the Employees pension contribution % your tooltip help states "the employees minimum is 1% if the pension scheme supports tax relief this will be automatically taken into account; you should still enter the full 1%"
Since our pension does support tax relief i therfore entered the full 1%. However, when running a dummy payroll the system took the full 1%, instead of the 0.8% which it should take due to the pension being set to "Tax relief: Basic rate tax relief at source"
Am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug / oversight?"
I contacted Clearbooks support about this in FEBRUARY and received a response that it was being investigated and id be kept informed but i have since chased this issue no less than 4 times with absolutely no response at all. I have tried calling but there is never an answer on the phone, and our first pensionable pay is due next week!
At the moment I can achieve what I need to by entering a 0.8% deduction rate, contrary to clearbooks own recommendation within the payroll software but if I do this I need to know that this bug isn't then suddenly going to be fixed and our deductions become incorrect OR i need to know it will be fixed before we use it