Attachments with your sales invoices
Problem reported by Paul Russell 8 years ago
When creating our sales invoices, we also need to attach a time sheet to the 'file'. As you will know clearbooks allows the attachment of multiple items to an invoice at the point of creation and at any point after creation through the manage attachments function
We then mostly email our clients invoices directly. Clearbooks allows you to email attachments at the same time you email your clients their invoices, but you have manually add those attachment again in the email screen. I'm told that clearbooks does not allow you to select documents that you have previously attached to your invoices - so is this correct? I also note on the tests I've done that once emails with manually re-selected attachments have been sent, clearbooks does not then store those sent attachments anywhere new, so you do need to continue uploading them in the first place if you want those attachments to be stored with any given invoice
Its a strange system, in that there is no fluidity there. It works of course, but its a double process because you have to double attach things each time. When you send 200 invoices a month, this can as you might imagine, be quite time consuming
I am likely going to lose this client to another system, if that system has a solution. Has anyone found a way round this?