Emailing Invoices, reminders etc

Problem reported by Nick _ 6 years ago

We create invoices that often have multiple contacts on them. Sometimes different people at the same company will order different things. Given this we use the 'Additional Contacts' part of the 'Contact'. We then assign them within an invoice, say as Billing Contact, additional contact etc. Setting the Notification Settings to correctly match, or using the catch all All Specified. All good.

When using the manual 'Email' button the correct email addresses are added / selected.

However, when allowing the system to do this automatically, by either selecting multiple invoices and clicking 'Email' or using the auto prompt feature Clearbooks only looks at the main contact email address and doesn't look to see which contacts it should actually be emailing.

Unless I'm missing something this appears to be a bug.

BTW: the obvious work around is far less than ideal.

Please advise.

3 Replies

Hi Nick,

Unfortunately, in this instance the obvious workaround is the only one I'm afraid... I understand that is far from ideal and I have taken your comment and added it to our existing customer request for this which seeks an improvement of how the system handles these. I hope that helps if even slightly. If you need further assistance with this, please don't hesitate to ask.

All the best,


Thanks Mohamed,

Really this isn't an improvement, this is a bug and should be fixed in a suitable time frame.

A quick read through these forums, it seams the answer 'add to a list for improvement' is the usual answer, often with the problem unresolved.

Are you able to advise a resolution date for this?

Hi Nick,

Unfortunately, I would not be able to advise on a resolution date. I have logged this with our technical team for review and should any change occur I shall update you as soon as this occurs. I do understand your frustration, but this would need to be reviewed by our technical team in order for any resolution to take place.

All the best,


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