Date Filtering on Purchases Affects Invoices

Problem reported by Kali Murrell 3 years ago

Strangely when I date filter on Purchases (trying to only see those needing to be paid for end of month), it also filters the Invoices when I switch to that tab. Not sure it used to do that and finding it quite annoying as I have to keep changing it again and again as I double-check various figures. Any ideas?

Thanks, Kali

3 Replies

Hi Kali,

This might be something related to your browser autofill. I would advise checking that.

All the best,


Not sure it is that as when I click Reset Search on Invoices, it does the same for Purchases. (I did erase Autofill Data, but no go.) I am using Safari on a MacBook, but this seems to be a new thing as we've been on for quite awhile and I haven't seen it before.

Frustrated, Kali

Hi Kali,

I have looked into this and I can see that this behaviour is consistent with how this has been behaving for some time. I'm afraid there isn't a way to turn this off. My apologies.

All the best,


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