Mileage calculator not storing Project name

Problem reported by Pete Church 12 years ago

When I create a mileage receipt I select a project to allocate the expense to but on the summary page the Project is not showing up. When I then Edit the expense the Project is not showing. If I reselect it and save the Expense it disappears again.


3 Replies

Hi Pete,

Thanks for letting us know - I have escalated to the developer who implemented this features to get this resolved asap!

Hi Pete,

Thanks for getting in touch and letting us know. I believe that this issue has now been corrected, please let me know if you have any further problems.

Hi, I was trying to get projects using SOAP Api and using listProjects method. I can successfully fetch all projects of related account but this project does not contains project name. It is always empty.

Is there any document from where we can get help , if you or your team can assist us regarding this issue.


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