Strange spaces in email template

Problem reported by Paula Briggs 12 years ago

We've set upan email template but when I do a test email we have strange spaces when the test email comes through. Here's the code for each section and then I have written where the spaces are.... It pushes the attached invoice down the page and looks unprofessional.... the spaces don't show on the email as i send it - only when it is received....

invoice template code:

Dear ::their_name::

We have created a new invoice for you, as you requested, which you will find below. Please also click here to view ::statement_link::

Payment via Go Cardless is preferred if possible - simply click your statement and choose "pay by Go Cardless".








::statement_type:: Details **

::statement_type:: Number:



Amount Due:



Kind Regards,



T: ::my_telephone::

W: ::my_website::

How do i get rid of the spaces? Many thanks

1 Reply

Hi Paula,

Yes sorry - another user reported this too. Our technical team are investigating the issue and will resolve as soon as they can. They will update you when this is fixed.

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