Edit Project
Problem reported by Pedro Martins 11 years ago
Hi, I'm creating some projects but want to edit a few, where can I do this!
Problem reported by Pedro Martins 11 years ago
Hi, I'm creating some projects but want to edit a few, where can I do this!
Hi Pedro,
You will be able to edit your projects if you navigate Tools>Projects>All and scroll down next to your project and click on the blue pencil which is on the left hand side.
Many Thanks
Hey Pedro,
In addition to this, you will be able to bulk edit your invoices for the project.
This can be done by navigating Sales > Invoices > All clicking on the bulk edit link and filtering by project and selecting the relevant invoices and selecting update. The same can be done for the purchases side if you need to allocate a project to a bill. Navigate to Purchases > Bills > All then the bulk edit.
I hope that this has been helpful. If you need any further assistance feel free to get in touch.
Many Thanks
Thanks, was IE issue as can't see that icon but fine in FireFox, running latest version of IE which is strange.