getExchangeRate API Errors

Problem reported by Andy Gambles 11 years ago

I raised a ticket but not getting much of a response. This is making Clearbooks unusable for us and it needs looking at ASAP

Using the PHP Soap Library

$request = new \Clearbooks_Soap_1_0_ExchangeRateRequest(); $request->baseCurrency = 'GBP'; // default $request->targetCurrency = 'USD'; $request->date = date( 'Y-m-d' , time() - 60 60 24); $usdrate = $client->getExchangeRate( $request );

Results in the error

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [Receiver] No exchange rate info for 'GBP'' on '2014-11-25' in \src\Clearbooks\Soap\1\0.php:388

Stack trace:

0 \src\Clearbooks\Soap\1\0.php(388): SoapClient->__soapCall('getExchangeRate', Array, Array)

1 \src\Clearbooks\Soap\1\0.php(205): Clearbooks_Soap_1_0->_call('getExchangeRate', Object(Clearbooks_Soap_1_0_ExchangeRateRequest))

2 \exchange_rate.php(9): Clearbooks_Soap_1_0->getExchangeRate(Object(Clearbooks_Soap_1_0_ExchangeRateRequest))

3 {main}

thrown in \src\Clearbooks\Soap\1\0.php on line 388

4 Replies

Hi Andy,

Would you please be able to forward these details onto our API helpdesk please as they will be better able to help you resolve this issue. The email is


And nobody could tell me that in my support ticket that has been open since the 25th?

Nor can you ask the API team to just take a look?

Hi Andy, I will have a look for your support ticket and see if the agent who picked it up can reply.


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