Reconciliation is not clear enough which item is being explained

Problem reported by James Benson 11 years ago

In the bank reconciliation it's not very obvious which is the current item being explained, the colours are not very clear, although explained items look grey the one currently being explained looks about the same as the items not explained. The colours need changing or you could maybe strike-through the already explained items.

Please refer to Ticket #4/68089 if you need further explanation.

6 Replies

Hi James,

Thank you for pointing this out to us. We are endeavouring to make this feature as user friendly as possible and your feedback is invaluable to us in this regard. I will forward your points onto the relevant individual on your behalf and see if we can get this looked into.

Many Thanks


I totally agree here. Since the recent design change the bank rec is now much harder to read.

Having almost never made a mistake with an import over the last 3 years, I've made at least 8 already in the last few days since the design change!

It's just not nearly as obvious as it used to be as to which line you are importing/allocating at the time. It seems like it highlights the one below the right one more than it does the correct line.

Can we have a nice obvious background colour change or something for the current line that is being allocated? Should be simple to fix.

Please click the like button, more chance of them implementing it that way.

For me this thread should be moved to 'problems' instead of 'ideas'. This specific issue in the original post is a genuine problem that needs to be addressed quickly.

Totally agree Simon, I originally added it to problems but clearbooks staff have a habit of changing things and have moved it to "ideas" for some reason!

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