Changing Partner

Question asked by Lee Ottaway 10 years ago


Can you tell me how to change the partner shown at the top of the screen. At the moment it says we are partnered with Charles Stringer accountants, but we've had nothing to do them for about 3 years and have different accountants now.


Lee Ottaway

3 Replies

Hi Lee. We are currently looking into this for you. We have received your ticket as well, so I will respond via that once everything has been sorted. Apologies for the inconvenience caused.

One for CB to answer...

I wonder if your old accountant is still picking up your bill though?

Hi Lee. We are currently looking into this for you. We have received your ticket as well, so I will respond via that once everything has been sorted. Apologies for the inconvenience caused.

Many thanks. I believe we pay our subscription directly every month so if you make sure we not reliant on anyone else to access our account that would be appreciated.

Lee Ottaway

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