Hotel California

Question asked by Daniel Dainty 10 years ago

So this is an odd question, but here goes...

...what are my options if I am considering moving my accounting service to another provider? I know that theoretically I can just start the new FY recording everything from the new system onwards, and just keep the old one hanging around... but I'd rather not pay for both, and I can't really cancel, because all of my records and uploaded invoices are here.

I understand that possibly the system was designed with this predicament in mind! (or perhaps it is me being cynical and it wasn't...)

So what do people do when they want/need to leave?

(Let's leave the "why would you want to?" out of this please!)

3 Replies

Couple of extras Daniel:

Most important report to download for each year is the "Transactions" Report (similar to Export-General ledger) but as the CSV doesn't have opening balances I always also download a trial balance on day one of the year.

Don't forget to make sure you have PDFs of all the VAT returns and, if applicable, take screenshots of payroll annual summary & P11 pages.

Finally, don't forget, with Clear Books, "You can check-out any time you like, but you can never leave!" :)

But why would you want to leave Daniel??? ;-)

I presume you'd just download all available reports into both PDF & csv, make a final back-up then export all uploaded docs (CB might have to do this last part for you, not sure how it works as we use Dropbox instead of uploading anything)

Hi Daniel,

Kevin is once again right, as per usual :)

Most of your data can be exported in CSV format, which can be opened in another accounting system, Excel etc. Please find the details here:

It's always a good idea to create a back-up, should you wish to return to using Clear Books at a later date.

As for your attachments, they would have to be downloaded individually, as we currently don't support bulk-download of documents.

All the best,


Couple of extras Daniel:

Most important report to download for each year is the "Transactions" Report (similar to Export-General ledger) but as the CSV doesn't have opening balances I always also download a trial balance on day one of the year.

Don't forget to make sure you have PDFs of all the VAT returns and, if applicable, take screenshots of payroll annual summary & P11 pages.

Finally, don't forget, with Clear Books, "You can check-out any time you like, but you can never leave!" :)

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