CIS on sales

Question asked by Tony Crundell 10 years ago

Is it possible to drill down into the CIS deducted from sales figure in the EPS report to see what is being included?

if not can we have a report showing the detail behind it?

This would be extremely useful for CIS clients

2 Replies

Sorry Tony, can't help you on that one i'm afraid. We don't use the 'CIS sales' feature in CB so enter the figure into the EPS manually [basically we create a CIS bank a/c and physically 'pay' the CIS element of the sales invoice to said a/c once we've rec'd a payment certificate - we can then of course drill down into the bank a/c at will].

Sorry Tony, can't help you on that one i'm afraid. We don't use the 'CIS sales' feature in CB so enter the figure into the EPS manually [basically we create a CIS bank a/c and physically 'pay' the CIS element of the sales invoice to said a/c once we've rec'd a payment certificate - we can then of course drill down into the bank a/c at will].

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