Paying an employee after giving them a P45
Question asked by Kevin Doran 9 years ago
From HMRC:
If you have to pay an employee after they leave (including someone you’re giving a taxable redundancy payment over £30,000):
- use tax code 0T on a ‘week 1’ or ‘month 1’ basis
- deduct National Insurance (unless it’s a redundancy payment) and any student loan repayments as normal - but if it’s an ‘irregular’ payment like accrued holiday pay or an unexpected bonus, treat it as a weekly payment
- report the payment and deductions in your next FPS, using the employee’s original ‘Date of leaving’ and payroll ID, and set the ‘Payment after leaving’ indicator
- give the employee written confirmation of the payment showing the gross amount and deductions
- add the additional payment in the ‘Year to date’ field if the payment is in the same tax year
Does CB have a 'Payment after leaving' indicator?