How to edit invoice customer

Question asked by Pete 8 years ago

I am trying to edit an invoice which has the wrong customer.

After clicking on edit, I change the customer to the correct one from the dropdown lst, then click on update.

I get a notice saying The invoice was updated successfully.

However when I go back to look at that invoice, it has reverted to what it was before the successful update.

How should I be doing this (apart from voiding and starting again)

4 Replies

Hi again Pete

Although you shouldn't be given the option in the first place, chances are the invoice has been paid? If so then you can't change the customer.

So you have to delete the payment from the invoice, which changes it to unpaid and lets you edit the customer. You can then re-apply the payment to the invoice.


Oh I think this is a problem with the new invoice creation design (which you can revert back to the old by clicking on the Preview link at the top and hitting the Stop button if you prefer). I'll raise this with the dev team.

The old design doesn't allow you to click on the customer at all.

I agree, it would be best to not allow you to change the filed then think your edit was successful.

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