Entering a year of expenses for tax return!?

Question asked by Karen White 9 years ago

Can someone tell me the fastest way to do this without setting up companies or invoices. I just need to enter all my expenses for the 2015-16 year and print a report for my filing? (Basic info. is fine. What I bought, from which company, date and £). Thanks.

1 Reply

Hi Karen - if you don't want to have to enter all the normal details then you are better off building a spreadsheet of all the expenses and importing the totals as a journal entry via Tools > Import > Journals.

So you'd put all the expense totals as debits to the appropriate expense accounts, eg travel, motor expenses, stationery, purchases etc etc and then balance those up by crediting the accounts that sourced the payments, eg bank, cash or drawings (if you paid them personally) (Director's loan if a Ltd company).

Hope that helps

PS It does make me wonder why you are using CB for this as it would be easier to do it from the spreadsheet?

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