Expense App

Question asked by Adam Bent 9 years ago

Hi, does Clearbooks have a facility for staff to record and upload their own expenses to the system to avoid accounts staff having to process? Thank you

5 Replies

Not yet sorry Stephen - an app is pencilled in to the roadmap to be developed in May of this year - there will be more official communication about it nearer the time.

Hi Adam,

Yes, first add in all the employees on the Purchases>Employees menu if you haven't done so already.

You can invite the employee into the account as an employee user:


Make sure to select the employee in the Employee (if applicable) box. This will mean that the employee can only see their own expenses.

Once the employee has accepted they can then raise their own expenses on the Purchases>Expenses menu. They will not be able to access unapproved expenses i.e someone with admin rights will need to approve them.

Hi John Appreciate the quick response. With this facility, will the employee be able to upload their receipts remotely? thanks

No problem - Yes - if they have an internet connection they can access Clear Books anywhere.

HI John, sorry, back again. Looks like I have this working which is great. Is there a mobile app that goes along with this so that they can file receipts remotely? Not sure how popular this will be if they have to upload receipts from their phone then go to the website to file. Thanks

Not yet sorry Stephen - an app is pencilled in to the roadmap to be developed in May of this year - there will be more official communication about it nearer the time.

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