Creating customer statement from a particular date

Question asked by Sophie Gunputhram 8 years ago

Hi there,

My customers regularly ask me for statements from particular dates...i.e just had a request for a statement from 30th June 2017, however I can only seem to produce statements with today's date. Please can you advise me how to do this...or let me know if it isn't something that can be done.

Many thanks


9 Replies

Hi Sophie,

Unfortunately, currently there are no options to create a customer statement from a particular date, it will only show the full customer statement. However, I will raise this with our development team and hopefully it can be implemented in the future.

Thanks, Tommy

Has this been done? I need this too Tommy - when are you planning on this

Hi Virendra,

Not at the moment, our top priority at current would be to develop and release our new product; Clear Books Micro which is essentially a spreadsheet accounting solution for small businesses and accountants. Then, after, we will look into our backlog of customer requests.

All the best,


Hi has this feature been done now and if so how do I access it? Thanks

Hi Jan,

Unfortunately not, our Product Roadmap has been at full capacity. We will attempt to review our request backlog as soon as we free up some capacity.


Has this feature been applied yet? 6 years is a long wait...

Is this feature now in place as I have a customer wanting exactly this

Hi Jan,

Unfortunately not, I will bump this up with our Product team again.


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