Changing suppliers into employees

Question asked by Restoration Projects 8 years ago

Good morning,

I am fairly new to Clearbooks and only just noticed expenses feature. This only works if employees are set up while I already have all of contractors that work for us regularly set up as suppliers. Is there a way to change account type to employee? If not, can it be added?

3 Replies

Good morning Miles,

Yes, this can be done by editing the contact. Head to the "Supplier invoice defaults" and update the employment status field as required.


I hope this helps, Theo

Hi Miles

I obviously don't know your business or working arrangements with your contractors but if you allow contractors to record and claim back expenses from you with in this way you are risking having them actually treated as employees by HMRC.

A "proper" contractor will incur the expense themselves and then add them to their invoice to you.

Many thanks for both replies.

We do as the matter of fact have both admin staff on payroll and subcontractors. Feature comes in handy in few cases. Many thanks for pointing it out though.

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