Contra expense account into trade creditors?!

Question asked by Doug 6 years ago

Hi there,

Why, when I fill in the Expenses form via Purchases does Clearbooks record the creditor in Trade Creditors and NOT the named Ee Expenses Ledger?

The Ltd Co owes the money to the Ee - that's the liability that the company has.... not to the suppliers anymore who were paid by the Ee.

Is there a setting somewhere which stops this unintuitive behaviour? I want the creditor balance to be correctly recognised in the Ee expenses ledger.


1 Reply

Hi Doug,

When approving an expense on the expense claim method, the system generates a bill. This bill represents the payment back to the employee.

The double entry of an expense is as below:


The Trade creditor account is used as a control account on bills and bill payments in Clear Books. At this point the Trade creditor balance is 0, the expense account is Dr 1000 and the employee expense account is Cr 1000.

The bill generated from this emplyoee expense has the following double entry:


So now the employee expense account has a balance of 0 and the Trade creditor is Cr 1000.

The payment applied to the bill with then Dr Trade creditor 1000 and Cr bank 1000.

Adhoc expenses are slightly different as they do not generate a bill - they work in the way you are possibly expecting. The initial double entry would be:


You would then be requried to either create a bill coded to the employee expense account code or you could explain a payment on an imported statement (or money out from Money>Bank accounts) coded to the employee expense account:


I hope this helps!

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