Question asked by Michelle Underwood 5 years ago

Good Afternoon knowledgeable people of the internet! I have been using the FX button to write off the movements in currency. Having just completed our year end, our accountant has advised that the FX figures should not appear in our Sales Ledger. They have suggested setting up a cost of sales nominal code for foreign exchange difference – which I have done, but when I “write off” the amount it still goes to the Sales Ledger. Does anyone have any ideas of how to work round this and keep on the accountant’s good side? Any help will be gratefully received! Many thanks

3 Replies

Hi Michelle,

I'm afraid there is no way around this as the movement will always go in a direction. Whether this is going to sales or purchases will depend on the direction of the movement. My apologies.

All the best,



I am trying to write off a certain amount off of the total balance due to fx movement however, clear books is not allowing me to edit the amount I want to write off can someone kindly advise me how to do so.


Hi Shaheer,

When writing of an invoice/ bill, you must first allocate the payment, then, when in the invoice/ bill, scroll down to the bottom and click FX to FX write off the remainder. For example:



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