Invoices not reconciled
Question asked by Chris Bates 5 years ago
Hi, I've been using Clearbooks for a few years but only on a basic level as I'm a 1-person business.
When going through my latest bank transactions in the Import Statement page, I decided to allocate invoices not by clicking 'allocate to existing invoice' button with the corresponding invoice, but instead by assigning the receipt figure to the specific project, and then clicking the 'Add New Transaction' button. I did this so I could track the end value of each project more easily.
However having now gone back to my 'unpaid invoices' tab, all those reconciled invoices are still showing as Unpaid, so clearly the software hasn't recognised them to the transaction.
What is the simplest way to rectify this, and how can I assign values to projects in the future (since it seems this way doesn't work) ?