Trial Balance format change

Question asked by Accounts Keystone 1 year ago

Do not like the new trial balance report. It is very restricting only be able to see one month or year to date not both as previous. Not sure why this change has been made & disappointed that Clearbooks didn't survey its customers before changing. I was told that the reason for the change was that some clients found it confusing but what about all the clients that didn't & actually needed the report how it was for reporting? Is it possible to have both formats available old & new?

1 Reply


We really appreciate your feedback and I have passed this onto our Product team. The change was in response to wider customer feedback and the impact was deemed to be small considering users can export this data to CSV so can compare and slice and dice any number of TBs using Excel for example.

The previous iteration meant that every user had control over one periods and always had a hard coded second period. When in most cases they are only interested in the date range entered and the extra columns were distracting.

We are looking to introduce an optional second period to the trial balance, rather than the previously hard coded period covering the start of the last month that the end date falls in, to the end date. So this customer could reproduce what they had previously but also, other customers can configure whatever side by side trial balances they require for their reporting needs.


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