ClearBooks Mobile APP

Question asked by Sharon Petrie 1 year ago


What is the latest on the mobile APP? As I work remotely most of the time, this is becoming more important to me.

The version I can currently see doesn't work properly - the stock codes aren't imported and various other items.

Thanks Sharon

3 Replies

Hi Sharon,

The latest app version is 1.7.15 and currently does not support stock items only the most common features. I have logged this as a request with our Product team for future improvements on the mobile app.


Thanks Tommy. As I am not office based much these days, I am more reliant on the mobile app. Is this feature going to be released soon or should I be looking at an alternative product?

Hi Sharon,

No problem, and we currently do not have a timeframe for this as our Product Roadmap is at full capacity. However, if we do free up some capacity, this is logged with our Product team for future review.


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