How do you remove an unallocated payment received?

Question asked by Sharon Scott 11 months ago

I have an unallocated payment from 2019 which I want to delete but it won't let me delete it!

Unallocated payments received No. Summary Date Amount 000536 CREDIT FROM xxxxx xxxx-x3-11 14 Mar 19 £139.15 Total £139.15

If I try to delete I get an error due to there being VAT but I can't seem to create a dummy invoice to match it to

2 Replies

Hi Sharon,

In this case, you must create a dummy bill in order to allocate the payment. Once allocated, you can then 'reverse' the bill by creating a purchase refund for the same amount.


thanks - this is what I have tried to do but when I try to allocate it, it says there aren't any there to allocate! Very odd....

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